Hey there!
Have a quick question about a product or need advice about an upcoming project? Get in touch with us via phone or email, or come and visit us at our Caulfield showroom!

Give us a call or send us a message! We might not be able to answer your call straight away, so leave us a voice message so we can get back to you as soon as we can.
Have a green-less space or project you’re working on? Send us the details and some photos so we can lend a hand. We’re also experts at corporate gifting! So please be in touch for a free quote.
Our showroom is open via appointment only. If you need help with an upcoming project please make an appointment with us at the link above, we'd love to help!
We’d love to meet you! Come and visit us at The Plants Project showroom for some of the best customer service and incredible plants and decor for your space.
Have a larger order in mind? Or need advice for how to style your space? We love lending a hand.
Check out what services we offer at The Plants Project.
Get in touch with us through this neat little contact form. And as they say 'there's no such thing as a silly question' - so ask away!!